Friday, October 28, 2011

A game by any other name

The idea of Game has, in my opinion, made many inroads in popular culture. I came to it rather late in my social education and at first was hesitant to acknowledge the veracity of its underlying principles.

When I was first introduced to it it was by a friend who had come to it from pick up artist websites and the like. As a Christian I was hesitant to understand the underlying principles due to the ends that people on such websites were using them. Promiscuity was not on my personal agenda.

 Then I was introduced to the concept in a slightly different form; ladder theory. It laid out some of the core principles without all the bravado of pick up artists detailing their conquests. It was through that that I came to a slow understanding of Game.

What surprised me at first was that rather than trying to force the concepts onto social reality, once I had an understanding of the concepts, when I was able to sit back and watch social situations the concepts were verified.

 As one blog writer I read says, he's not writing the rules of the game, but merely reporting on what he sees. Time and again the basic principles of Game have been reinforced as I watch and experience social situations.

I've had my brushes with the red pill, as another blog writer terms it, and have come to a point where I can recognize those moments in my life when I have been able to display alpha or beta traits to my gain or detriment.

One of the things that has helped to really reinforce the notion of Game or Ladder Theory has been by watching children of various ages interact with one another.

 Young children, boys and girls, before they recognize their sexual difference, play as virtual equals. You can see the beginnings of what would be termed alpha and beta behavior that seems to be ingrained in certain people, but the sexual motivations just aren't there. They are simply interacting with each other as they are. 

As they grow up and begin puberty you can see these ingrained traits come to the fore as they interact with members of the opposite sex. When I was growing up, adults would always joke about how a young boy who pulled on a young girls pig tails, would do so because he liked her. He was displaying interest in her in a way that for some reason came natural to him. The adults would see it as innocent and playful. They might even chuckle over the incident.

 As children grow up though, pulling on a girls pig tails is wrong, or so boys are told. Only assholes would do such an act of egregious effrontery. Boys are told that they need to be nice, to be complimentary, to treat the girl of their desire as a princess. Yet as the boy longs and yearns for the girl of his dreams, it seems to him that there is something wrong with the world because as he is doing everything 'right' but the girl seems to always end up with the boy who does everything 'wrong'; the asshole.

Rather than questioning the advice they were given, they redouble their efforts and either live a life of distant longing or grow to dislike the girl and eventually women. Its either that or he sees reality as working differently than how he was told it would work and changes himself accordingly.

As I watch children interact you can see the differences in how boys act towards girls and how the girls in turn react to the boys. The cocky kid who pulls a girls hair, hits her books or buts in front of her in line is looked on admiringly by girls when the boys back is turned. When the boy is roughhousing with another boy and winning, the same girls are looking on admiringly.

The other boys off to the side or getting the short end of the stick in the roughhousing look on the boy as an asshole. The girls look on him as something they want.

The alphas and the betas.

Many adults and other children look down at the Alphas as being jerks or worse.

Some children recognize something in the Alpha and attach themselves to him.

Many adults will actively fight this, but its natural. Its how people naturally act and function when left to themselves. They are Alpha or they are Beta (or worse) and no amount of telling the Beta how special he is, or how lucky a girl would be to have him, will change reality.

Girls and women want an Alpha male.

Game is the tool that non-Alphas can use to demonstrate Alpha qualities to the opposite sex as a means of gaining success in the social market place.

Reality is a cruel mistress.

You can hate the game but you shouldn't hate the player that plays by the rules.

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