Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Culture is downstream from the cult

What is the foundation of culture?

In thinking about this, I have a vague recollection of hearing someone (I can't remember who) saying something to the effect that "the foundation of cult-ure is the cult; the religion held by the people and holding the people together."

In this sense, the religion of held by the people is a unifying force and when it finds its expression it leads to those elements of culture that many find profound, such as the arts.

When I was travelling and living in East Asia, especially in countries such as Thailand and Cambodia, the dominant cultural expression that I witnessed was rooted in their Buddhist beliefs. The statues, paintings, architecture and temples were everywhere. When people talk of travelling through Italy and France, they remark on the Cathedrals and the art work, much of which has religion themes and subjects.

When we look at modern western culture, we see that it is dominated by sex and much of the political discourse is focused on death. We see that modern culture is fragmenting society through an ever increasing list of -ists and -isms for which people can be derided, shamed and shunned. Tolerance is the buzzword, but it is not actually practiced. Modern culture is becoming more and more totalitarian in its practice as elements within the culture (the loud radical left) scream for ever more censorship, deplatforming and shunning of opposing views, especially those that would be considered more traditional and those that oppose their agenda.

The fracturing, wounding and decaying of western culture is due to its foundational cult - sex worship. The slut pride walks, the gay pride parades, the destruction of the family unit, and the murder of millions upon millions of innocent children is all due to the modern worship at the altar of sex and the profane. By seeking to destroy the culture of the past, rooted as it was in Christianity, they producing a society that is not only opposed to Christianity but is its opposite.

Where Christianity promotes unity, the modern naturalistic, amoral, relativistic sex cult promotes disunity.

Where Christianity promotes the sanctity of human life, the modern naturalistic, amoral, relativistic sex cult denigrates and demeans human life.

Where Christianity promotes the sanctity of the family as the foundation for society, the modern naturalistic, amoral, relativistic sex cult  demeans and destroys the family unit.

Where Christianity promotes humility and love, the modern naturalistic, amoral, relativistic sex cult  promotes pride and arrogance.

Where Christianity promotes meekness and service, the modern naturalistic, amoral, relativistic sex cult promotes violence and selfishness.

Western culture is changing, it is being undermined by people who hate what it once stood for and what it once promoted (unity, life, family, humility, love, service, meekness) and want to see it replaced with disunity, individualism, pride, arrogance, violence and selfishness.

I've heard too many people foolishly say that it doesn't matter what you believe, what matters is how you act; but our actions are rooted in our beliefs.

If you believe that traditional western culture is worth saving, then act accordingly.

If you believe that it needs to be destroyed, well when you sow to the wind, you reap the whirlwind.

Satan has long been trying to destroy what God has established, but we know that he will not prevail against Christ and his Church.

In the words of Moses, today you have been given a choice, to choose blessing or curse, to choose life or death. Choose life.

fragmented religious beliefs lead to a fragmented culture and is a disunifying influence.