Friday, November 18, 2005

Winter Wonderland

I find that as I grow older I look forward to Christmas more and more each year. My friend thought I was nuts when I was playing Christmas carols in the car in early November. I'm not too sure that I can explain it other than a growing sense of family. So imagine my delight when I went out this afternoon and found this ...

No, not the bridge, but falling snow. It was the first snow fall of the year and as soon as I saw it a smile came to my face. I quickly grabbed my coat and went for a walk.

There is nothing quite like going for a walk while it is snowing out, especially in a city. Everything looks a little cleaner. Everything seems a little quieter. I like the way the snow looks on the trees and as it falls through the lights.

Winter is finally here and with it comes snow and Christmas.
I love it.

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