Thursday, January 27, 2005

I am very tired.

A friend tells me that Ernest Hemingway said that all writing should begin with one honest statement. Ok, here goes.

I am really tired. It's now 2:45am and I have another 7 hours of work to look forward to. I wish that I could just lay down for a while but that is a no-no. I'm already into the coffee, but it's not helping much. I hate nights like this. I didn't sleep well today or for very long and with little to do I find it hard to stay awake at times. I could finish a story that I've been working on called 'Hope'. It's almost done and I'd like to finish it but I don't want to start it too early and leave nothing to do later. Well I guess I should try and find something to do but yawn and listen to Rod Stewart on the radio. Why was he ever popular? Well this took a whopping 8 minutes to write. Eight minutes closer to being able to go to sleep. Oh I can't wait.


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