Monday, February 06, 2006


Today I went for a walk in the snow. It was breezy and cold and wet. I stopped my internal complaints when I saw the ducks huddled together on the ice. I took some photos which I'll share later.

Today I'm gonna continue to work at envisioning Utopia. I began to do so some time ago but it wasn't until I began writing that, while I had decided on a structure for the story, there were few elements of society that I had really tackled. I'm finding it to be a good exercise. Here is the openning so far ...


The sun broke the surface of the horizon casting its yellow light across the plains and towns once again. Night had been gradually becoming day for some time as the sun transformed the sky from black to greenish blue. The earth and sky looked clean and new, the previous nights rainfall had washed everything as though they had been newly born. The day’s routine began throughout the town and across the fields. Birds and squirrels could be seen foraging for food in an effort to feed their young. Mothers and fathers arose with the sun preparing their children for the days events. The town came to life slowly yet purposefully, rousing itself from quiet night to calm morning.

Today was special, for it was the first day of the second month, the Day of Ascension. As the sun continued to rise, a calm morning evolved into a frantic afternoon as people busied themselves ensuring that everything was in readiness for that evenings festivities. Wherever one looked people were abuzz with anticipation and weeping memories, their faces etched with joyous eyes and infectious smiles. This was the one hundred and twenty-ninth Ascension festival and the people of Doran were determined to make it the best one yet.

Groups of people, both young and old, wound their way throughout town cleaning, polishing, decorating and rehearsing. The Firstuns were busy finishing off the banners and flags that they would carry during the opening procession. The Wederas busied themselves by finishing off their honourary tokens, which they were to present that evening. The Peodnes were divided up into groups and assigned to an elder, under whom they roamed Doran ensuring that any and all that required help, received it. The people’s anticipation rose as the sun traced its descent towards the day’s completion. The sky tinged red, violet and pink as the people set aside their chores and worries and took up their joys and pride, as well as their forks.

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