
I came across this on PostSecret tonight. I think its a great statement, one that we don't always feel to be true. If your not checking out the site, do so. It's updated each sunday night.
I went to my sister's wedding reception this past weekend. Everything was good, I was having fun until my cousin began talking to me about my wedding and failed marriage. Great. Nothing like feeling depressed at a wedding. I prefer the word melancholy, I think it sounds better than depressed. The weird/sad thing that hit me was that in some ways I like feeling that way as I think it gives me a sense of gravitas. Of course I find feeling that way very isolating and insular which in turns makes one feel all the more melancholy. I think Roger Waters knew what he was talking about when he wrote The Wall. Melancholy shall be my word for the week.
Apparently I'm a prick. I was told last week that people at work believe that I use large words with the specific intent of making myself seem smart while making other people feel dumb.
Well the election is over and huzzah! the Conservative party won a minority government. I figured that a conservative minorty might not be a bad thing. Get some fresh legs and so on. I thought that in a lot of ways it wouldn't that big of a deal as they couldn't sign us on to North American Missle Defense, or pull us out of the Kyoto Accords nor could he get us into the quagmire that is Iraq without Parliamentry approval which the three opposition parties (mostly center or slightly left of center parties) would oppose. Now I'm a little worried that with the main opposition, the Liberal party, in a complete mess and looking for new leadership that they are not going to be willing to defend these issues for fear of losing more seats in another snap election.
Question: What will matter most to these people? What's good for Canada, it's citizens and its future or what's good for their party and their ability to regain power?
Is it just me or is Iran starting to look rather scary? I mean their talking about missle defense, arguing that the holocaust never occured and that their going to develop nuclear weapons. What is it that they really want? What is it that they are truly seeking with this rhetoric and posture?
I'm sorry, but this is pretty cool, where's Captain Nemo when you need him?
Sorry again but I've got to give the plug for 24, which is in my opinion the best show on TV. I know that that may not be saying much considering much of the drivel that gets broadcast now-a-days but this is a good show.
I found myself in what seemed like the strange predicament of defending the United States this past week in class. We were discussing the beloved novel Nineteen Eighty-four so it was obvious to discuss the dystopian setting and notions of Big Brother, but when they consistently pointed to the U.S. as being an example of Winson Smith's Airstrip One in the modern day I couldn't take it anymore. I may have my problems with some of the U.S.' foreign policy but to say that they are 1984 personified is absurd. Now if you want to talk about North Korea ...
An article like this is another good reason to read the news. I wonder if this Paul Weyrich person understands the reason that many Canadians fear U.S. conservatives such as himself. If he thinks that we are too far to the left, then what would his right look like?
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