This time I got a little more interested in the situation itself. So I hit the internet and Wikipedia and read up on the Battle of Mogadishu as well as Mohamad Farrah Aidid along with some of the soldiers involved. I also read about Somalia and the ongoing problems the people there face. In reading these things I can't help but feel inept, weak and selfish. I watch and read as a reporter visits Mogadishu in 2005 and is faced with the pain, anguish and anger that still resonates twelve years later. It gets me thinking that I should 'walk the walk' if I'm gonna 'talk the talk' so to speak.
I want to be a teacher. I hope that in two short months I will gain my acceptance to teacher's college and then finally acheive my modest dream. I also want to see the world, to go beyond the one hour radius in which I've lived 99% of my life. I want to see the things I've read and learned about in school (history major). I want to experience different cultures and people, to experience a different perspective on life and the world. I also want to leave this world thinking that I've made a difference, even if it's a small one. That was one of the reason's I wanted to be a teacher. It's one of the reasons I work at a homeless shelter for teens.
Almost a decade ago I wanted to go on a short-term missions project with World Vision. I'm no missionary, I know that but I do think I could help. The opportunity was to work for ten weeks in a sports camp for Palestinian children in the West Bank. Each of these trips cost the volunteer money which I was unable to raise in time to go. I think back often on that missed opportunity and try to imagine what impact it might have had on my life (perhaps none).

I had thought that I could use my teaching degree to see the world. Teach in foreign countries either through exchange programs or by working at an international school. I think I need to rectify things slightly. Perhaps I can do those things but I think I can also get back to something I started ten years ago. I looked on the World Vision website tonight and they have several short term projects going on. One was even renovating classrooms in Tanzania. Which sort of brings this hole post full circle. Africa.
By God's grace and mercy I was born in Canada, a rich country that wants for reletively nothing. I've been given a desire to help and hopefully in the next few years I'll also have the means (monetary) to help as well. So why not experience the world by giving to those who need it the most?
In searching for pictures of Palestinian children I was saddened to see the prevelence to show them with bombs, guns and dressed up as 'terrorists'.
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