Well at least I'm honest. I am ruled by fear. In a sense I think we all are but perhaps the difference is that I acknowledge it. The big question is am I willing to do something about it? You see it's not one little thing or only one aspect of my life that I am speaking of but everything. I talk a good game (I guess you can be the judge based on what I've written in the past) but I'm not all that good at the personal follow through. Take religion for instance. I say its the foundation for my life and world view. I talk about it but I'm really afraid to let go and fully submit to God because I'm afraid of what He will ask of me. What He will ask me to give up for Him. I talk about (perhaps not here) about my desire to get in shape and the necessity of eating better. But I don't go to the gym because I'm afraid of what people think of me. I limit myself socially because I'm afraid of what people think, even though I complain about not having many friends. I try to be honest with myself and in the end I have to realize that I am a coward who limits my potential (physically, socially, mentally and in faith) because I am too afraid to make the changes I think are necessary and beneficial.
I watched a good documentary today called 'Go Further' which is about the environment and our impact upon it. But its main focus is on how the choices we make as individuals can make a difference, not only personally but globally.
I talk about the need for society and humanity to change, to think and adapt our way of life so that we can make a more positive difference for future generations. Its all around us, from how we treat the planet to how we treat one another to how we treat ourselves. There are simple things that we all can do to make a positive impact upon our world so that we can ensure that what we pass onto our children is better than the way we found it. Of course it all begins with the choices that we make. In the end things are all connected in this world of mass corporations and multi-national congolomerates.
We need to stop living like sheep and cattle being force fed crap by the uncaring, earth killing, profit is god corporations of our world. If we all chose to use simple floresent bulbs in our home and water saving shower heads we could save immense amounts of power, power that is presently generated through burning coal. We could then start closing down environmentally damaging power plants which continue to feed into our escalating problems of global warming and depleting ozon layer. If we demanded that the car industries produced electric and environmentally friendly vehicles we could reduce the amount of oil that we consume. This would mean that we could cut out the number one producer of carbon monoxide on the planet and get our governments out of the affairs of foreign countries (see wars - assination - dictatorships - oppression - totalitarianism - human suffering). If we made a choice to buy products that we know are not produced by slave child labour in foreign countries; something that we gave up and protected our children from hundreds of years ago but demand of children across the world. If we demanded and only bought products made from hemp paper we would eliminate the demand for wood based paper products which would severely curtail the clear cutting of our forests. It goes on and on. Simple choices made each day, each perhaps seeming insignificant but in the end having a negative global impact.
Its time that we began to be greedy. Why shouldn't we have healthy food free from chemicals and toxins to ingest? Why shouldn't we have clean air to breathe? Why shouldn't we have clean water to drink? Why shouldn't we have a world where we can go out in the sun and not fear cancer? Why shouldn't we have a world which is healthy for all of us? We can, it may take time, but you and I are worth it. Our children are worth it.
There are resources out there for us to use. Resources out there that we can take advantage of in making wise and good choices. We live in the information age; we should use it to our benefit.
Some might question why we should do any of this. They might say that everything is fine. To them I say wakeup and look around. Start thinking for yourself and stop simply believing something because Fox News tells you you should believe it. We live in an era of smog alerts, increasing skin cancer, unclean water, massive landfills, nuclear power plants, lakes and rivers that our kids can't swim in let alone drink. Its only getting worse but its not too late. We all can make a difference. We don't have to pick up our placards and go on mass protests (although that wouldn't hurt necessarily) but rather make simple, wise and consciencous decisions each day. Decisions that are good for you, for your family and for the planet. In the end I don't want the pictures that I've posted to be the only way my children and their children have left to experience God's creation. I want them to be able to run and play, to swim and hike, to not worry about being able to breathe or having to cover up completely in the sun. I don't want this picture of a sunset to be symbolic of our last best chance to make a positive difference. A difference that in the end will help each and everyone of us.
Yeah I know. I talk a good game and I'm a person ruled by fear. Will I do all of these things I'm exorting you to do? I hope so, I truly do and in the end it means living each day as it comes, thinking through my choices and trying to make wise decisions that benefit myself, my family, friends, loved ones, neighbors, humanity. In the end I need to be greedy and demand better for myself and for you. In the end I only have one life and one chance so why not make the most of it. I'd rather sit with my grandchildren near a swimming hole watching them laugh and play, splashing water and investigating a frog, and tell them of a time when this wasn't always possible. I'd rather do that than sit with my grandchildren and have to try and explain to them what a swimming hole is; what a frog is.
I leave you with this, words from the Eagles, and what I hope won't be our epitaph:
She came from Providence, the one in Rhode Island Where the old world shadows hang heavy in the air She packed her hopes and dreams like a refugee Just as her father came across the sea
She heard about a place people were smilin' They spoke about the red man's way, and how they loved the land And they came from everywhere to the Great Divide Seeking a place to stand or a place to hide
Down in the crowded bars, out for a good time, Can't wait to tell you all, what it's like up there And they called it paradise I don't know why Somebody laid the mountains low while the town got high
Then the chilly winds blew down Across the desert through the canyons of the coast, to the Malibu Where the pretty people play, hungry for power to light their neon way and give them things to do
Some rich men came and raped the land, Nobody caught 'em Put up a bunch of ugly boxes, and Jesus, people bought 'em And they called it paradise The place to be They watched the hazy sun, sinking in the sea
You can leave it all behind and sail to Lahaina just like the missionaries did, so many years ago They even brought a neon sign: "Jesus is coming" Brought the white man's burden down Brought the white man's reign
Who will provide the grand design? What is yours and what is mine? 'Cause there is no more new frontier We have got to make it here
We satisfy our endless needs and justify our bloody deeds, in the name of destiny and the name of God
And you can see them there, On Sunday morning They stand up and sing about what it's like up there They call it paradise I don't know why You call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye
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