Recently McCain anounced his choice for a running mate: Sarah Palin. I obviously don't know her and until now hadn't even heard of her. I'm sure I'm not alone in this though, even among Americans who will actually be asked to elect her.
Personally, and I know this matters nothing, but I think she was a mistake. One of McCain's supposed strengths is that he doesn't play the political game, yet that is exactly what this is. The sad thing is that the Reps don't have any women in the party prominent enough to nominate over this relative political neophyte.
So not only is McCain playing at politics with the selection, he cut off at the knees his main attack on Obama; his lack of experience. McCain, if elected, will be the oldest person ever elected president. One heart beat from the big chair is a person with zero national political or foreign policy experience. At least Obama has a couple of years in Washington under his belt.
This will be hammered home time and time again and rightfully so. McCain is a heart attack waiting to happen and putting this woman in position to run the country is foolish and again goes against what McCain argues he is about. He says that he wants to change the mentality of 'me first and country second' but in making this selection has done exactly that. By pandering to female voters (any of whom vote for McCain simply because he chose a female VP candidate is a moron) he has put himself and his political aspirations ahead of the well being of the country.
McCain, should have done what he argues that he does; put country first. If that meant picking Romney, then pick him and stand your ground on the principle of doing what is best for the country, taking the high road and not pandering and playing the political game.
But, nope, McCain in one action has proven that much of what he has been saying for many years is little more than hot air.
Foolish, foolish choice.
On a completely different note, I was wondering:
If you are offered only a penny for your thoughts, why is that we give our two cents worth?
Just curious.
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