Sunday, October 21, 2007

An ode to pebby pepps

Well he did it. From the outside it always looked like the right, simple, easy and obvious thing to do but I know that on the inside it was never simple or easy. By all accounts my friend left for Korea on Saturday. I say by all accounts because I can't reach him so I have to assume that he left on Saturday as that is when he told me he was scheduled to leave. So by now he should be in Korea, getting situated in his new apartment and wondering what the hell he got himself into. I have to give him credit, it took a lot for him to make the decision to go.

Of all the people that I have worked with over the last several years he is the one that I related with the most. He had a rather wierd and somewhat twisted sense of humour but I can't remember anyone who has made me laugh so much or so consistently. He was the one person with whom I could discuss the absolutely absurd nature of our work place and know that he understood what I was thinking and that he too recognized it as the hell hole that it is. For some reason that made it easier going into work each day. I'll miss the conversations about history, politics, religion, the state of the world and such things as Star Trek and Star Wars.

Its not going to be the same around here without him, but I'm glad that he did what he felt he needed to do and found the strength to move on with his life. Good luck.

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