Wednesday, January 12, 2005

When are we allowed to step in?

It's impossible to escape coverage of the disaster in southern Asia. It's somewhat heartbreaking to know that many of the over 150 000 people who have died in the region did not need to if the time, effort and money had been spent to construct an early warning system. However it is also heartwarming to see so many nations from around the world step up and help those in need either through providing money, manpower or both. But I find the world's response to this disaster both troubling and necessary.

I find it troubling because so much attention is being put upon this particular disaster that we seemed to have blocked out the need and suffering of hundreds of thousands if not millions of others world wide which no one is stepping up to help. There are a number of prime examples: first is Darfur in the Sudan. There has been a lot of talk concerning

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