Perhaps I simply misunderstand but it is my understanding that the purported aims of feminism is equality. To have men and women viewed as equals regardless of the arena in which they find themselves. We are, after all, all human beings. But then you come up against something like this:
As she waited for a flight home from Rome, grandmother Sandra Rogers, 62, told the Daily Mail: ‘There was no “women and children first” policy. There were big men, crew members, pushing their way past us to get into the lifeboats. It was disgusting.’
Now, I don't know Mrs. Rogers and so I can't say whether or not she is a feminist, but shouldn't feminists around the world be celebrating the actions of these men? Is this not victory?
I'm in no way trying to make light of the tragedy or of the loss of life that occurred, but is this action not exactly what progressives and feminists have been fighting for? Everyone looking out for number one.
The naturalist viewpoint that many have adopted in a rush to abandon Christianity does not see everyone as equal. That was a Christian idea. The idea of women and children first, was a Christian idea. So as they have fought long and hard to divest the world of its Christian shackles and to have everyone viewed as equal, should we not herald this moment as a triumph for modernity?
Should not those men who, seeing everyone as equal, themselves included, did not look down on women as weak or inferior but rather as just as capable as they of ensuring their own survival be seen as feminist heroes? Should not these men that Mrs. Rogers condemns be seen as heroes of the naturalist cause which holds to evolutionary principles, that the strong shall survive? Is this not victory?
As one blogger has already commented, perhaps it would only have been fitting if each of these men were wearing this shirt: