Here is a sampling from this weeks offerings followed by my rather politically incorrect valuations and judgements.

First I can't help but wonder why the hell I should care about what some slut thinks. Second, yeah she's a slut. Anyone who makes it a point to fuck a father and then his son is a little bit touched. To be proud of it to the point of bragging about it is just a prime example of why she is a slut.

How petty can you be? I mean wouldn't life be so much the better if we didn't go out of our way to piss off those around us, especially those who are supposed to be closest to us? What the hell is to be gained by such a stupid act as this? Is this person happy because of this? Don't you think its a bit demented to gain satisfaction from the frustration and pain of others?

Another winner that our society has produced. Its not enough that he's lied to and betrayed the one person that he pledged his fidelity to, he has to cheat on the person he's cheating on. Sometimes I think we should bring back the practice of labeling such people with a scarlet letter. If you didn't want to be with just your wife you shouldn't have married her. If you can't stay faithful to your wife you should at least have the balls to end it before beginning another relationship. This speaks to the inherent selfishness that drives the vast majority of our society. Me, me, me, me. Fuck everyone else, even those I profess to love. What a wonderful world.

The thing that I don't understand is why women continue to complain about why picking such fucking obvious losers ends up hurting them in the end. If he doesn't love you why the hell would you think that a baby would fix things? Oh, yes, selfishness. Get a fucking backbone and some selfworth. Of course that is easier said than done when we are increasingly told that our self worth comes from our crotch and whether or not we can get someone to fuck us. However if this person was able to think at all critically they would see the lie for what it is and not invest her self worth in it, but no, its just so much easier to be a lemming and destroy a life in the process.

What a winner you are. To purposefully mock and disparage another person's most deeply held beliefs is abhorant. If you don't like them, move. What would happen if someone did an equally abhorant thing to you? It wouldn't be funny then would it? No of course not, because selfishness reigns supreme. Sometimes I think that the Golden Rule needs to be applied.

This is going to sound cruel and mean but perhaps the world would be better off without you then. If you are so against becoming pregnant perhaps you should have kept your legs closed. But no, personal joy is so much more important than being responsible. So now if she is pregnant she will either carry through with her threat and kill two people or simply kill the baby. What a wonderful person.
I know, I know. I'm an absolutely horrible person. Yes that must be it. My reactions to these people must be an aberration because otherwise society doesn't make sense. Heaven forbid that a society should have a sense of morals and ethics that would protect the innocent and encourage its citizens to work for the common good even if it meant denying ourselves at times. No, we'd much rather continue on our selfish ways that ends with the death of thousands and the untold and uneccessary suffering of thousands more.